Saturday, February 16, 2013

My "new"ish Hutch

I actually got off Pinterest long enough to do another project. :)Something I have been wanting to take care of for a while. Confession- I haven't been loving my hutch. Last year I managed to paint and distress it with glaze but felt it still lacked something.

I finally decided it's the mirrors. I never liked them. For one thing they are always glaring at me.

Anyway, I found this tutorial on covering the back with material.
So, after heading to my local Wallyworld (because we live in the middle of nowhere and I had no choice) I found the perfect material. All I had to do was remove the back, pop out the mirrors, us spray adhesive/material to cover the back and pop it back on. It couldn't have been easier. Isn't she pretty?

I have this fascination with birds lately.
 Nothing wrong with that though, right? Originally I was thinking about replacing the glass in the doors with chicken wire but decided to just leave the doors off so I can see my little pretties better.
Oh, and just in case you are wondering. Here is how she looked before her makeover.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Chy's Boys

I'm not sure exactly why I started this blog. Except that in my mind things just make more sense when I can see them in writing.
And the world (and thoughts and life?) seem more real. I thought maybe I'd tell about projects. Or past diy. Or how our house became our home. (And I will from time to time) I am pretty sure it was never going to be a cooking blog. lol Although  after all these years cooking for my family I thought I didn't like it but am realizing lately "hey, I'm a pretty decent cook. Nobody's died yet from eating my food. This isn't so bad after all." I've even found some recipes that my husband actually likes, on Pinterest. Anytime I can please my man, I'm all in. :D
When I was writing my bio I felt the need to include what inspires me. And for the most part that is what gets me going when I think about doing a post. Maybe it'll be something to inspire you in a world that seems so full of itself sometimes.
I found a story today that has me smiling and I am sure it will put one on your face as well.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Love Story in 22 Pictures

This post is just another example of people who inspire me.

This is the sweetest love story. We should all be so loyal and devoted to the one we pledge to spend our life with. Love is not something to throw away. It takes work and sometimes it's hard. But it's worth it.

Monday, February 4, 2013

To hang or not to hang?

I've been thinking about mounting our tv to the wall for a while now. I keep putting it off because I wasn't sure how to hide all of the wires. ?:/ Aaaanyway, I found this awesome sight with clear instructions and pictures. 
I think I am going to do it. Wish me luck. ;D I'll let ya know when I'm done.