Monday, May 13, 2013

Do You Ever Feel Like Everyone Is Bigger, Better, Smarter?

I can't say it any better than she did. So, if you feel this way you definitely will want to read this. /when-you-feel-like-everyone-is-bigger-better-smarter-or-how-to-be-a-star-  It's short so take the time and know that by finding this, God is showing His love for you.

Hope you all had a great Mothers Day. I did, and was blessed to spend time with my wonderful family, including my own mom.



Nancy said...

I'm not such a religious person, so I did not watch the video == but I do like your tribute to your mom. xo

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Our lesson in church Sunday was about this. Not comparing yourself to others. Just do the best you can and know that God love you! Not everyone can be perfect at everything. We need to be happy for the talents that others have. Glad you had a wonderful Mothers Day. I did also and spent the day with my wonderful hubby, kids, and grandies.