Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tree gone!

I guess I am not very good at this blogging thing cause I forgot I had one. :/ Maybe I better post once in a while anyway.
Today was "get rid of the biggest eyesore on our property" day.
Our wonderfully hardworking son came over with his equally hardworking chainsaw and cut her up and hauled her off. Wow, that tree stump looks a lot bigger when she's cut up and laying on the trailer. 
We can at least see what the grandkids are doing in the treehouse now without actually having to go to the treehouse. ;)
   We will be planting a new tree come Springtime. Only a little to the right so it doesn't block the "view". The one that went was over 100 years old. If she hadn't died we definitly would have been happy to keep her. But all of us have to go sometime, right?

On another happy note. :) I am finishing up my upstairs bathroom.
Think beaded board wainscoting and schoolboy blue paint. :D Pics in my next post. Promise! 

Friday, August 24, 2012

positively good news :)

My computer is having trouble uploading my "finished home work" pictures but it has been cooperative enough for me to post another uplifting story to inspire. Carpe Diem and God  bless.

Monday, August 20, 2012

positive news :)


Here's a link to a positive new story for a change. :) If you read my bio you know that I am inspired by people who deal with their seemingly impossible hardships in positive ways. I am sure this one will put a smile on your face and a tear in your eye. I'll try to post one every once in a while. Just to keep it real. :)

My Favorite Angle (said by Belle Villa da Sogno)

The star on the dormer is a nod to the fact that, because of a surveyers oopsie way back in the early 1900's, this place was in the Lone Star state of Texas for 8 years. :)
So this is our little house on the prairie. er... cotton fields
Icky before picture. :(

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Our New Name

So...after 4 1/2 years I have finally found a name for our place. You know, like they name their homes in France? Or Italy?
This one happens to be Italian. Belle Villa da Sogna-Beautiful home of dreams. :)
I am by nature a lazy person. ;) But necessity dictates that I work like a dog at times. To have the home of my dreams I must do the work myself. As my dear hubby is out making the moola so I can have the home of my dreams. Jus kiddin. ;) By the grace of God we own free and clear! That will be whole nother post. Soon. :D
Anyway, back to the point I am trying to make. You know, the one about being lazy? Well, it will explain why I will only post before and after pics of my work. Maybe an occassional comment with. Seeing as how most of the work was done a couple of years ago. During a year and a half of almost nonstop work, with 2 homes (50 minutes apart). Trying to fix one up and keeping the other one sellable looking, I put most of it out of my mind and choose to enjoy the finished product. I did however take many pics. 99.9% of which I am not in for the simple reason there was nobody here to take it. lol
So...pics to follow. Soon. Well, here's one to give a little clue as to the BEFORE. What's inside that cabinet is one of the scariest/disgusting things I've ever seen. You'll see.
The mirror to the left is hiding one of our 31 windows! And carpet should NEVER be in a bathroom. Especially one a man uses. ugg I can say that the after looks NOTHING like this. :D

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Congratulations, you're the lucky winner?

Whenever anyone finds out where we live they inevitably say "I've ALWAYS wanted to live there!" Which is exactly what I said every time I passed by. 3 years ago, after many years of saying this but never dreaming it would happen (after all who would be crazy enough to actually sell this place and move???) we were looking for a place to buy. A place in the country where my dear hubby could have a few horses and chickens. We passed by one day and I happened to say "well, if that place ever comes up for sale can we look?" To which he said "uh, sure". 3 days later there was the sign. No kidding. When I called to see about the price I had to ask twice to make sure. Hooray, we could afford it! I called my sweet husband to say "we're moving". haha Now I know why they say" ignorance is bliss"! I was blissfully happy! And "love is blind". I was in love. Blissfully in Love. We looked. We liked. We bought. Oh my...


Sooo...the house didn't look too bad. Right? If you have a weak stomach you might not want to check out the before pics. One of my grandsons said it looked like a witches house. And he hadn't even seen the inside yet. A sister was worried I'd never get the smell out. I was a little worried as well when, after tearing out 95%, it was still there. Getting rid of the kitchen floor and the solid mouse droppings and drippings did the trick. Downstairs. Upstairs the deciding factor was getting rid of the 2 layers of carpet in the BATHROOM. There is no mistake bigger than carpet around a toilet. Especially with a man in the house. Well maybe a few. But at the time I couldn't think of any.
Notice the blue and green? Uggg!!!!! It took me a while to get rid of all that trim color. Everything is a nice bright white now. Of course that was after I painted 31 windows, many doorways and even more baseboards "biscotti". Which we came to realize is just another word for brown.
Now that you've seen the worst part of the upstairs bathroom it's time to reveal what we were dealing with in the downstairs bath.